Monday, 20 May 2013

Just a summary of my final project. What a few 3 years, not the greatest student ever but I've definitely developed majorly in comparison to my first year.  That's all folks.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Latest background

Good news sports fans, I've created the greatest background in existence... fact. So yeah this is a mixture of matte and digital painting (mainly digital painting.) Hope you like it folks.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Ultimate image!

These are two characters of myself if i were to be in either Dragon ball or Naruto. There's a lot of in depth stuff about the Naruto character surrounding his eyes and tattoo etc. The tattoo is for a Jutsu i made up that basically kills people in one but you can only use it once every day as it uses up so much Chakra. There's more but yeah that's about the jist of it.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Me as a Sayan.

Only now at the age of 21 have i mastered drawing a Sayan. For our Ultimate image we are asked to design something that best represents us and naturally as i grew up wishing i was a Sayan, and the fact that i still believe i might be one, here i am. I'm dressed also in my most frequented gym gear as i felt it was the best representation of what i wear when in training to become an even stronger Sayan form. Next stop Super Sayan 2!!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

My greatest creation yet

Extremely proud of this piece of work it took me just over a day to complete fully. Hope you like it. This was done entirely through concept art techniques and painting, no textures.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Council chambers

Another new piece of work. Productive is the word not the bird.

Friday, 1 March 2013

New things a'hoy

As per usual not the best blogger of the year but i do have a few cool designs towards my project. I will be updating a few more over the next week with progress of turnarounds and other characters in full colour and textures. A background of the tomb of the main character's ancestor, the main villain and one of his henchman with a chest cannon.

About Me

My photo
Cardiff/ Bath, United Kingdom
I'm an Artist, Martial Artist, Gamer.